Sunday, August 26, 2012

Summer Time...


Week 30


Week 31


How far along? 32 Weeks, but most the time I forget how far along I am.
Total weight gain/loss: I’m up 23lbs. I didn’t gain any weight last week, but this week I stood on the scale and saw a whopping 143llbs. I guess I gained a pound for this week and last week.  
Maternity clothes? I don’t even think I could squeeze myself into any of my pre-pregnancy clothes now.
Stretch marks? NOPE. I’m crossing my fingers that I don’t get any this time. maternity clothes. You will see that I have one pair of shorts that I actually like to wear. I refuse to purchase any more clothes because I'm not going to be pregnant again. 
Sleep:  Sleep?? What is sleep?? I’m just really tired at night and it’s like clock work that I’m sleeping on the couch at 9:30pm. I should be taking a nap during the day, but until I win the lotto and someone is cleaning my house for me that isn’t going to happen.
Best moment this week: We have officially got Reagan’s big girl room finished. It’s just one more thing on the to-do list all done.  Oh, and Tenley has officially dropped.
Miss Anything? I miss being able to see my feet. It will also be much easier to shave in the shower when I don’t have a belly in the way.
 Movement: She is still not a super active baby, but now that Reagan is asleep and I had a Reese’s Peanut butter cup she is kicking the crap out of me.
Food cravings: Ummm….anything sweet.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I feel GREAT!
Have you started to show yet: Have you seen the pictures?? I look like a moose. There is not question if I'm prego or not now. 
Gender: It’s a GIRL!
Labor Signs: Nope. I’m just having tons and tons of Braxton Hicks.
Belly Button in or out? It’s a half in half out belly button right now.  
Wedding rings on or off? Off because the heat makes my hands swell.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I am pretty darn happy!
Looking forward to: I’m looking forward to maternity pictures in 2 weeks. I’m also excited to see my mom in 10 days. I’m also excited that we’re almost in September, which means almost baby time.

Fun at Sesame Place

Checking out the map

I think she figured out what she wants to do first

I'm pretty sure she is thinking how we never mentioned having to wait in line

She loved the carousel so much that when it was time to get off she actually cried 


The only picture of this mama from the day. It's a bad picture, but I needed proof that I was there also.

Pictures with Bert & Ernie!


32 Weeks


This is the face Reagan will give you if you ask for the silly face. I'm not sure what is silly about this face.

Well, it’s week 32 and I have been working on a posting for the last week. I finally have a few minutes to write something and I don’t feel like I’m going to fall asleep, which is a rare thing these days. I guess I better give a little peek into what has been going on at the Evans’s House. We have been in full swing of summer, but because we own a house now it means doing chores around the house. I really miss the days when we were going on vacation to amazing places, seeing new foreign lands, and not spending money on the house instead of...what was that called?? Oh, renting a place! I’m just keeping my fingers crossed that it all pays off one day. I do have to say that we have done so so much in less than a year. I’m hoping that maybe next year we will do a bit less home projects and maybe squeeze in a real vacation!

We took Reagan to Sesame Place last weekend, which she totally loved. I think Jake and I on the other hand wondered what we had gotten ourselves into.  It was lots of kids running around and I kept thinking about the massive amounts of germs. I can’t help that germs totally gross me out. Reagan on the other hand thought it was the best thing since sliced bread. She cried every time that she had to get off a ride. Jake said that when they were on the rides that she would point to which horse or space ship she wanted to get on next. He would than have to explain to her that they would have to get off and get back in line, which she didn’t like. She loved seeing all the Sesame Street characters and being able to watch a show, with characters.  I enjoyed being able to sit in the shade for a while, as Jake and Reagan played in the splash pool. It was overall a great day, and the drive wasn’t bad. Jake and I on the other hand were so exhausted on Sunday that we both were dragging all day from the fun-filled day on Saturday. 

This week Reagan’s doctor called to confirm that she had a UTI (Urinary Track Infection), which totally broke this mama’s heart. You just hate to see your child in pain and not feeling well. She has been acting fine, but has been saying that her pee hurts, which is why I took her to the doctor. I also came down with an ear infection, which is so random because I haven’t had a cold or anything. Jake keeps wondering what the heck is wrong with the girls in his house.

I have been felling pretty good over all. On 8/25/2012 I was at girlfriends doing a garage sale, when I felt Tenley drop. It was a pain that I remembered from Reagan, but was much later in my pregnancy. If you have never had a baby the best way I can describe it would be a meat grinder in your pelvis. I have gotten some relief in my ribs, which is nice. I would have liked her to stay up a little longer because now I feel like I’m carrying a bowling ball between my legs all the time. I’m sure that she dropped because I’m still picking up and carrying Reagan around more than I should.

I think that about sums it up for now. I’m now running out of things to talk about. I hope that everyone is enjoying summer, but I’m so ready for fall.  

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