Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Journey

Reagan telling me to move. I have a feeling I'm in trouble when she is a teenager.


Jake said to me today, "Wow this week has flown by." He says this because he hasn't been driving as much has I have. This week has been crazy because I have been to the RE (Reproductive Endocrinologist) every day except Tuesday this week. So, I have seen the doctor a total of 3 times this week and I'm pretty sure that I have met every doctor in the practice now. I was lucky enough to have Reagan go along with me because Jake couldn't come. He is in a class and unable to miss any time. I'll give you a little insight on EVERYTHING I have been dealing with.

On Monday I woke up at 5am so that Reagan and I could be out the door by 6:30 for our nice hour long drive to the doctors. When we arrived there was a full room of ladies and a few men. I always get knocked back to reality when I walk into the office with Reagan. I see the look on everyone's face in the room when they see her. It has a way of bringing me back down to feeling lucky. I might have my pity party from time to time, but when I see the looks on these people's faces I feel blessed. I have a kid and they may not. This isn't going to make me stop trying for another, but at least gets me off my pity pot.

We waited for almost an hour and a half before we finally got to see the doctor. Reagan and I got in the room and the nurse told me to undress from the waste down. I pretty much dread having these ultrasounds. If you have ever had the internal ultrasound, you completely can relate. There is nothing that is comfortable with, having something shoved up you to look around. Are you ready to laugh??? Well, while waiting for the doctor to come in I got undressed, sat on the table and then placed Reagan on my lap. Reagan all of a sudden realized how easy that the paper lap sheet rips. She started to shred the paper in no time. I was pretty much left with a dinner napkin after she was done. I decided to jump up really fast and grab a new one before the doctor came in, or at least that is what I thought. I tossed the paper pieces in the trash and was reaching for a new paper sheet when the doctor opened the door. I was standing stark ass naked from the waist down. I probably looked like a deer in headlights. The best part is that this wasn't my normal doctor, but a doctor that was probably my age. He looked about as embarrassed as I did. He instantly started to turn red and closed the door as if in reverse. The rest of the appointment I think we both had a hard time making eye contact, but he did his job. I hide my embarrassment and moved on with the appointment. He wasn't impressed with how mature my eggs had gotten. He actually said to me, "This might not be your month." He also said he had a hard time seeing my uterus. I said, "Well I know I have one. As you can see I have had a baby." He then told me that I needed to come back on Wednesday for another ultrasound. As we talked briefly Reagan started to rip the new sheet apart. The nurse was even trying to help me cover up at this point. By the time the doctor was done talking to me I was sitting on the table in a loincloth. He gave me my prescription for progesterone, which was such a headache to find a pharmacy that carries it because it's a compounded medication that actually has to be made. So, the crappy part is that none of the insurance company pharmacies cover it.

I found a pharmacy near my house that made the medication, and it was half the price as the one at the fertility clinic. That being said it was still more then I would have liked to spend. I got my progesterone suppositories to stick in the fridge. I'm sure it will be a nice conversation piece if someone runs across it. I now wait till Sunday to start it.

I went back to the doctors again on Wednesday and there were only about a 30 minute wait, which was fantastic. This appointment was another horrible ultrasound, but with a very young nice female doctor. I instantly liked her. She was chatty and talked to you like you were old friends. She was very surprised that I had gotten pregnant on my own with Reagan, but that seems to be the trend with all the doctors these days. What can I say other then I count myself lucky. She did the ultrasound and measured my follicles aka eggs. She said they were growing just a little slower then they normally like. She told me that I had 2 on my right side and one my left side. I instantly wonder if that means I'm going to have multiples. She told me that probably not because only 2 were mature enough, but the chances of multiples in only about 5%, which is only 1% higher then without medication. She then did a postcoital test that checks to make sure that the clomid hadn't killed all my mucus, which kills the swimmers. She had a worried look on her face, but came back that everything looked great! Yippee.... I had asked what happens if the mucus would have been killed off?? She told me that then they recommend IUI (Internal Uterine Insemination). I smiled knowing that this wasn't going to be for me. I want to have another baby, but I'm not going to step down that road. The reason being that it's not covered by insurance at all and second before you know it were doing even more extreme things. I want to try and keep it as simple as possible, but nothing has seemed to be simple at this point. I then had to go get more blood drawn in the lab, and the large black lady was a giant witch. She wanted me to set Reagan on the floor next to me while I got blood drawn. I was sort of shocked because she is only 19 months old. She has sat in my lap before, but I did it and Reagan was fine. It still sort of ticks me off this ladies demeanor and everything. I then waited for my blood work to come back before I found out if I needed to come again the next morning. Then I got the phone call to come back once again the next day. I was dreading getting up so early, but most of all waking Reagan up.

I wanted to try and beat traffic as much as possible so on Thursday we left at 6:00am. I was shocked that the whole drive up Reagan stayed awake, but she looked miserable. We got to the clinic at 7:00am, and I was already in line. I was shocked because they didn't even open till 7:30am. I guess that everyone else had the same bright idea as me. I at least was number 5 on the list. I decided to run downstairs, while I wait for my turn and get my blood drawn. This time I had a different lady to draw my blood. She was terrific, compared to the one from the day before. She talked to Reagan and was fine with her being on my lap. It was a breath of fresh air. Reagan and I ran back upstairs to find out that they had already called my name, but luckily I was still at the top of the list. We went back did the drill of undressing from the waste down. This time I have gotten much smarter and grabbed an additional paper sheet. Just to make sure I'm not exposed thanks to Reagan's ripping habit. This time I got another doctor, but she was delightful also. She was very talkative with Reagan and me. She did the ultrasound and measured my egg(s). She said that I should be ovulating from my right side and my eggs measuring at 19 & 21mm. She said that when you ovulate for some reason on your right side that you have a 30% higher chance of becoming pregnant. She said that I had one on my left that measured at 15mm also. I instantly asked her if that means I'm going to have multiples. She said the chances are not very high, but that is always a possibility. I'm a little freaked out that were going to have multiples. I guess in the end were going to get what God wants us to have. She asked if anyone had talked to me about getting an HcG shot. At this point this is the first I had heard of this. She told me that they were going to give me a prescription for Ovidrel, which is an HcG shot. What this medication does is that it forces my body to have an LH (luteinizing hormone) surge; it's called a trigger shot because it triggers you to ovulate. She said my eggs were ready, but it's a matter of if my body is going to agree or not. She said that they were going to wait and see what my blood work came back as. Well, at 10am I got the phone call from the doctors, with the news that my body had no intentions of ovulating this month. So, she told me that I needed to get the prescription and give myself the shot this afternoon/evening. After Reagan's nap we ran to the only pharmacy that carried the medication, which happen to be the same one as before. Now I just have to cross my fingers that the insurance company actually refunds me for the meds like they say they will. So, after Reagan woke up from her SUPER short nap we ran up to the pharmacy. I paid the $130 for one syringe of medication. YIKES I know. Lets just cross our fingers I only have to do this once. I did get a little worried when I saw possible side effects, "MULTIPLES." I know that it says this on all fertility medication, but it still makes me a little worried. I guess I think the worst like I will get stuck on bed rest and Jake and I will be, "Jake and Candice + 8." I guess if all else fails I we'll and get my own reality show. LOL!! So, we got home from the pharmacy and I read over the directions again. It seemed pretty easy and the nurse told me that it wouldn't hurt. I have to give the shot an inch from my bellybutton. She told me to squeeze a chunk of skin from my stomach, but I don't have a lot of extra belly. I'm just not one of those people that don’t puts on weight in my mid section. When I put on weight it's in my face, tush and thighs. I just couldn't give myself the shot. I'm fine giving other people shots, but something about inflicting pain on me is just not so good. I decided to wait until Jake gets home from work to give me the shot. He did great jabbing me with a needle. He only spilt some of it out getting the bubbles out. I joked with him and said, "Hey that is $40 worth of medicine you just squeezed out!"

Well, now I just have to start giving myself progesterone on Sunday and we’ll wait and see. I was a little skeptical when I work up today (1/27/2012) that when I went pee on my fertility monitor that it would say nope your not going to ovulate, but it didn’t. I guess the medication did what it was suppose to. In the end were just going to wait and see if this is our lucky month or not. I’m not getting my hopes up, but my fingers and toes are crossed.

Thanks for letting me share my experience with whomever reads my blog!
Me right before Jake gave me a shot. Don't tell me I'm super thin because I have actually put on weight. This is just how my body is.

I caught Reagan digging for gold in the backseat. I stopped at a light and I saw her digging for gold. I thought it was pretty fun, but I'm sure she is going to not think so in a few years.


  1. Good luck with everything, good news about the loincloth cover up in the office...the docs deal with vaginas on a daily basis!

    1. um...just Amanda, not really very anonymous.

    2. Thanks Amanda! I think in the end you have to find the humor in everything because it would just be to depressing otherwise.
