Monday, January 21, 2013

Tenley is 3 months old!!

She is dancing like a princess!

Merry Christmas!

Tenley enjoying her Christmas gift.

Can you find the baby??

Making dinner for Mommy and Daddy!


My baby has grown from a newborn to an infant. How did this happen so fast? It gets more exciting with each month watching you grow, and your little personality growing more with each day. The mornings are my favorite time with you because you’re so awake and alert. I love how you wake up every morning with a giant smile on your face ready to tell me all about your dreams. I might not understand, but I hold onto every coo that you say as if I'm reading the most action packed book. You love to kick your legs with excitement. You now look around the room when you hear a familiar voice. You rolled over from your belly to back more this month, which is something your sister didn't do for months. Reagan rolled from back to belly first. You also love to swat at your toys on your playmate, and seem to favor your right hand and foot the most. You have a love for all things elephant, which is super cute. It doesn’t matter what toys we pull out because if there is an elephant in the pile that is the one that you like the most. You are doing great at holding your head up and love to sit in the bumbo chair.  I guess these must have been the ones that you used to give me a nice jab with. You gave us a little laugh for the first time when we were getting you ready for the bath. It wasn't the multiple syllable one, but still brought a smile to us. I have heard you do big laughs but always when you’re sleeping. You have become such a smiley baby, but as soon as I pull out the camera you instantly get stone faced. You’re growing through clothes like they are going out of style. I feel like you didn’t stay small long enough because at 3 months old, you’re the size of most peoples 6 month old baby. It’s okay I love my big babies and don’t think I would know what to do with a tiny baby.  You refuse to take a bottle, which really sucks because it means that I never get a moment alone. I love you to death, but I would love to go workout alone or get my hair done alone. I’m guessing that it might be a bit harder for you to give up the boobies one day. I’m sorry, but you can’t take them to kindergarten with you. I’m just not that kind of Mommy. Whenever I pump and we try to give you a bottle you act like we are choking you and that it is some foreign milk coming out, which I promise you isn’t the case.

You got to experience your first Christmas, but to you it was just like any other day. Your sister on the other hand thought it was the best thing she has ever experienced in her life. She enjoyed opening all your gifts and showing them to you. We stayed home on Christmas and opened gifts the majority of the day. It went in an order of open gifts and then playing with it for hours. We all took a nice 3 hour nap in the afternoon and decided to get Chinese food takeout for dinner. This might become our family tradition for Christmas. I know it might sound silly, but it was pretty fun.

Your grandma Kayla came into town the day before your 3 month old birthday. She was so happy to see you and have a little snuggle time with you. You have changed a ton from when she saw you at a week old, but she loved all the time she got to spend with you and your sister. 

I love you sweet girl and thank you for blessing our family~

1 comment:

  1. Ahh! I love these blue eyed beauties! I can't believe how big miss Tenley is getting.
