Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy 2013!!

Happy 2013!! I know that everyone loves a new year, but it makes me a bit sad that 2012 is already over. I guess for me 2012 had some hard times, but also some pretty amazing ones. In the start of 2012 we were pretty deep in our fertility issues, but shortly after the New Year we finally got pregnant. Reagan continued to change from a little girl into a full blown kid. We got to make a trip back to Washington in May for a close friend Jason's wedding and an early birthday for Reagan. Then in July Reagan and I flew back for a baby shower for sweet Tenley. It has been a year with lots of work at the Evans' compound, but isn't that home-ownership?? Reagan started her first day of preschool the beginning of September, which left this Mommy in tears. Jake and I got to enjoy our first overnight date away from Reagan in September. Then in October Jake and I celebrated our 7 year wedding anniversary. Dallas, Sareh & Darby flew in just in time for Tenley to be welcomed into the World. We got a visit from my Mom & Jake's Mom. It was just an amazing year, but I'm excited to see what next year has in store for us. Check back because I have lots brewing in my mind! 

The big to do list for 2013 are:

*Take pictures of my girls daily.
*Write on the blog at least twice a week.
*Get a little deeper in the blog.
* Get back into shape (I'm not fat, but want to tighten up)
*Take at least 1 family trip. It doesn't have to be big, but just something new.
*Get connected within a church.
*Go on 1 date night a month with my hubby. (This might be a while, with Tenley refusing anything, but the boob)
*Enjoy every DAY!

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